The Nazca culture

The Nazca culture was pre-Columbian civilization that developed in the southern coast of the current country of Peru. The oldest records born, are in the first century AD, in the final phase of the Paracas (Paracas Necropolis). The Nazca culture seems to be a continuation of the Paracas culture as both cultures had the same customs, and also agricultural techniques militaristic societies. The end of the Nazca culture coincides with the decline of its fine polychrome pottery and mastery of the Huari culture in the years 800 AD
The Nazca culture is known worldwide for its gigantic geoglyphs made ​​in the highlands of the Nazca Desert, near the modern city of Nazca, Peru. Another notable production of this civilization are its very ingenious underground aqueducts and magnificent polychrome pottery with zoomorphic generally.

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